Friday, January 25, 2013

Last Day Reflections

1) I learned that every photo could use a little bit of editing. Even if it's as simple as raiseing the contrast or bluring part of it to focus another persons focus and even if we just put a filter on it. Even if it looks fatastic as a raw photo, it might even look better with a little help from photoshop.

2) I learned that I cannot take a good picture of an inanimate object for my life, and I'm okay with it, because I usually just take pictures of myself antways. But just because I can't take a good picture without people in is doesn't mean I'm not gonna try, it means I'm going to try even harder. And that also  I'm going to work on how to even use a camera properly, because sure as hell I can't.

3) I wish that we had been able to spend more time in the dark room developing photos that we took with our film cameras. Thhat was one of the most fun things we did this year! I loved working in the dark room because I knew that if I did one thing wrong, the picture I had worked so hard for would be absolutly destroyed and that would have just left me heartbroken. But I feel that the possibility of a heartbreak over a georgeous photo would be so worth it juat to have a beautiful black and white photo that I made myself. 

4) My biggest struggle was not being able to upload my digital images. I was so upsetting because no matter how many times I tried it always failed without reason. And even if it did magically make it to the computer the picture absolutly refused to open in PhotoShop. It was so upsetting and angering that I couldn't show off my pictures and that I could edit them and get a grade for them, which is basically all we do in this class.

5) I did concuer my fear of being crowded in a very small room with a class full of people, wich really isnt a fear as much as the pet peeve part of being in a crowded area full of people, I didn't mind the dark, but I did mind some of the people. Some people thought it would be a great idea to yell and shout and just have some of the most obnoxious conversations, but that is something I know I can't help. But having my bestfriend in this class we could just work elsewhere, but the conversations were pretty loud. Oh well.